If you have output similar to below displaying escaped characters try changing Git Bash options for terminal to xterm-256color
←[33mevent←[39m ←[32mevent:generate←[39m Generate the missing events and listeners based on registration ←[33mhandler←[39m ←[32mhandler:command←[39m Create a new command handler class ←[32mhandler:event←[39m Create a new event handler class ←[33mkey←[39m ←[32mkey:generate←[39m Set the application key ←[33mmake←[39m ←[32mmake:command←[39m Create a new command class
Git Bash 2.6.2, windows 8.1 64bit
This did not work for me
Thanks! worked on restart
Thanks worked for me
This doesn’t work for me too! I’m on Windows 10
Workked for me. I am on Windows 10!
Didn’t work, win 10
This doesn’t work for me too! I’m on Windows 10