Edit the file C:\wamp\alias\phpmyadmin.conf Change the line Require local to Require all granted Wampserver 2.5
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Safari .local domain names not resolving
When testing a web project using WAMP and Fiddler I could not connect to the virutal host on an iPad running Safari. Worked with other browsers on the devices i.e. Chrome. To get it to resolve I had to change to virtual host from site1.local to site1.lc or anything else but .local.
Git Bash using Laravel Artisan displays escaped characters
If you have output similar to below displaying escaped characters try changing Git Bash options for terminal to xterm-256color ←[33mevent←[39m ←[32mevent:generate←[39m Generate the missing events and listeners based on registration ←[33mhandler←[39m ←[32mhandler:command←[39m Create a new command handler class ←[32mhandler:event←[39m Create a new event handler class ←[33mkey←[39m ←[32mkey:generate←[39m Set the application key ←[33mmake←[39m ←[32mmake:command←[39m Create a […]
Wamp Configuration Virtual Hosts
This guide will change the document root, create a virtual host, bypass proxy(if behind corporate server)for the virtual host. 1. Change 2 entries in httpd.conf DocumentRoot “c:/wamp/www/” to DocumentRoot “d:/webdir/” and <Directory “c:/wamp/www/”> to <Directory “d:/webdir/”> 2. Search for and uncomment the line below to enable virtual hosts # Virtual hosts Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf 3. Add […]
LG Android 5 Proxy Greyed Out
If you have an issue where you cannot save proxy settings for a WiFi network try the below. 1. Hold down the WiFi network and select ‘Modify network’ 2. Select ‘Show advanced options’ 3. Scroll down to proxy and enter the hostname and port 4. If the save box is greyed out re-enter the password […]
Change Chrome Spell Check Language to UK
Within Chrome select settings from the menu, scroll down to advanced settings. Click the ‘Language and input settings’ button. Although English maybe listed it is not used for spellcheck. Click Add and select English, United Kingdom. Select the new entry and click ‘Use this language for spell checking’ Restart Chrome.
DVD/CD DH16AAL Device not responding
In device manager your dvd/cd device may have failed. To remove corrupt registry entries follow below: 1 – Start Regedit. 2 – Find keys: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} 3 – Delete all Upperfilters and Lowerfilters keys. 4 – Uninstall device in device manager 5 – Scan for hardware changes in device manager.