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Git Bash using Laravel Artisan displays escaped characters

If you have output similar to below displaying escaped characters try changing Git Bash options for terminal to xterm-256color ←[33mevent←[39m ←[32mevent:generate←[39m Generate the missing events and listeners based on registration ←[33mhandler←[39m ←[32mhandler:command←[39m Create a new command handler class ←[32mhandler:event←[39m Create a new event handler class ←[33mkey←[39m ←[32mkey:generate←[39m Set the application key ←[33mmake←[39m ←[32mmake:command←[39m Create a […]

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Wamp Configuration Virtual Hosts

This guide will change the document root, create a virtual host, bypass proxy(if behind corporate server)for the virtual host. 1. Change 2 entries in httpd.conf DocumentRoot “c:/wamp/www/” to DocumentRoot “d:/webdir/” and <Directory “c:/wamp/www/”> to <Directory “d:/webdir/”> 2. Search for and uncomment the line below to enable virtual hosts # Virtual hosts Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf 3. Add […]

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