FireSSH is a Firefox web browser extension for remote support using secure shell. WEBSITE
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PuTTY SSH remote client
PuTTY is a free tool using Telnet and SSH for remote support. Operating systems: Windows and Unix platforms WEBSITE
Using OpenSSH on a Linux Server with Filezilla
On your linux server install OpenSSH if not already present. #debian apt-get install openssh-server #redhat yum install openssh-server Using Filezilla on a client enter the relavent details using the SSH protocol SFTP and user credentials setup on the server. Filezilla will ask you if you want to trust the connection and will display the rsa […]
Linux Proxy Server Setup For Internet Access
To allow global internet access through a proxy server you can add the code below to the file /etc/bash.bashrc. export http_proxy= To have immediate effect without need for a reboot type: source /etc/bash.bashrc For temporary http proxy just type export http_proxy=”″ Tested with Debian distros
Cat 5 Patch Cable Wiring
568-A Wiring Diagram 568-B Wiring Diagram
Real Temp – CPU temperature monitor
Real Temp is a small non-install utility for monitoring CPU temperatures. Only works with Intel processors. WEBSITE
Preloaders – GIF and APNG generator has a large range of preloaders and gifs in various categories. Features: Save to gif or apng Transparency Background and foreground colours Animation speed Output size options WEBSITE