To display a specific post by post ID, add the following code to your WordPress template file. <?php //Select specific post ID $post_id=256; //To display post title echo ‘<h1>’ . get_post($post_id)->post_title . ‘</h1>’; //To display post content echo get_post($post_id)->post_content; ?> Tested with WordPress 3.3
Tag: code snippet
HTML Code to Text Converter
Useful for converting code for presentation on a WordPress post. Converts tags so they are not processed. Good for displaying blocks of code for tutorials etc.. This version seems the best I have found for WordPress. WEBSITE
Wrapping pre tag text in a div using css
When using pre tags in html to display code blocks it will ignore the div boundaries and not wrap the text by default. By adding some css for pre tags this can be accomplished as follows. Hint: Another option is to use overflow:auto which will add scroll bars for the content. pre, code{ /*Wrap pre […]
Add a Read More link to the_excerpt() in WordPress
To remove the default […] marker at the end of an excerpt and add a Read More link add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file function new_excerpt_more($more) { global $post; return '<a href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) . '"> Read More…</a>'; } add_filter('excerpt_more', 'new_excerpt_more'); Tested with WordPress version 3.3
Redirect WordPress login logo link
If you want your wordpress login logo to redirect to your site root add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file add_filter('login_headerurl', 'my_login_url_local'); function my_login_url_local() { return get_bloginfo('url'); } Tested with WordPress 3.3
Change WordPress login logo
If you want to change the default wordpress logo on the login page, you can add the following code to your themes functions.php file. Make sure /images/login-logo.png is present in your theme folder. function custom_login_logo() { echo '<style type="text/css">h1 a { background-image:url('.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/images/login-logo.png) !important; }</style>'; } add_action('login_head', 'custom_login_logo'); tested with wordpress version 3.3