Generate password and key files Retrieve credentials and set to a variable
Tag: powershell
Office 365 Add User to Teams in Bulk in Powershell
Create a CSV file with the following columns. User Powershell to import CSV file using Teams module.
Find Location of Executable in Windows
To find the location of a built in exe for example notepad.exe in Windows use the Powershell Get-Command tool(gcm) to display the path.
Active Directory Count Users in Group from Powershell
From Powershell terminal: Install AD module Get group count To view all group names
Issues Running Powershell Scripts in Task Scheduler
If a script is not running or hanging when running task scheduler may indicate a 0x1 or 0x41301. Try to change the -ExecutionPolicy parameter powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NonInteractive -NoProfile -File c:\scripts\script.ps1